Thursday, March 16, 2017

Being hacked not fun

Last weekend my husband and I were gonna leave town. That morning I got a call from asking if I had charged $3450.99  NO I DID NOT!!!! So we had that charge reversed and got the cc canceled but that also meant canceling the trip because that's the card we were gonna use. Sad me .

Not to much has happened since then. Just waking up, watching the little guy, maybe running to town, eating then bed. How exciting.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Sick little guy and lots of Elmo

Its been a rough few days . My son has been sick, so he's been a grumpy little guy. At 20 months I can't give him anything and I feel so bad. I've been using a humidifier at night which has helped a bit. But I've been able to pop the Elmo DVD in and he's been a happy camper. I'm kinda sick of Elmos world but it's helped him.

I'm waiting for all the rain to stop. After this horrible winter being cooped up in the house I have cabin fever. Can't wait to get my bike out and go riding.

I have a bit of time so I'm going back to crocheting my blanket.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

all items safely retrieved from behind the entertainment center.

So I've decided to use all my odds and ends yarn to make a hexagon quilt. Crocheting is my one "old lady" skill. I love it. Sometimes I can't get much done with a very energetic 20 month old running around. But I sneak it in. So this is pretty easy to make:

Ch chain
Dc  double crochet
Slst  slip stitch
St stitch

Use a size H crochet hook. For this blanket I'm using medium yarn 4.

Start with a magic ring, single crochet to secure the ring, then ch 2
Double crochet once then ch 2. Dc twice then ch 2  do this a total of 6 times  slst to top of first dc.
Ch 3 dc in next st *dc,ch 2,dc in gap then dc in next 2 st* repeat til you meet back up at ch 3. Slst in first double crochet.
Ch 3 dc in next 2 dc *dc,ch 2,dc in gap then dc in next 4 st* repeat to last gap then dc in last st . Slst in first double crochet.
Ch 3 dc in next 3 dc * dc, ch 2,dc in gap then dc in next 6 st* repeat to last gap then dc in last 2 st. Slst in first double crochet.
Ch 3 dc in next 4 st. * dc, ch 2,dc in gap then double crochet in next 8 st* repeat to last gap then dc in last 3 st. Slst in first double crochet.
You've now made a hexagon.

This is the point I'm at  just making hexagons . I'm gonna make about 40 of them and then attach them . When I get to that point I'll post those instructions and pictures.

Hello there

So here I go. I may be late to this whole blog thing craze but better late than never. This will be a little bit of everything. My thoughts that day, maybe something I'm making (craft wise) or a recipe I've tried and loved.  My little guy is throwing stuff behind the entertainment  center , gotta go :)